
How to turn a blog post into a video [step-by-step instructions

How to turn a blog post into a video [step-by-step instructions]

☐ STEP 1:  
Copy and paste a blog post into a Word document
A few ‘good-to-knows’:
Include post title.

Even though you can use your blog post as is, I strongly suggest editing it for size.

Each paragraph in your Word doc will become its own PowerPoint slide.

Thus, the shorter your paragraphs are the better.

One-sentence paragraphs work best.
Avoid adding extra spaces between paragraphs; they’ll turn into blank slides in your PowerPoint presentation.

☐ STEP 2:   Save document as. . .
Now that your blog post is short and sweet, you need to save it as
text file (.txt) on Mac;
Word doc on PC.

Yes, it’s important – or else your document might not properly import into PowerPoint.

PRO TIP: If you use Word Outline feature to format your blog post, PowerPoint will adopt the same heading styles.
For example, Heading 1 will turn into a slide title, Heading 2 will become the first level of text, and so forth.
If you do use Word Outline, make sure to save your doc as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file.

☐ STEP 3:  
,1.Import saved file into PowerPoint
In PowerPoint, go to

2 Home Tab
New Slide
Slides from…

3..You’ll be asked to select the file to import.
Next… sit back and watch your blog post paragraphs magically populate PowerPoint slides!
Troubleshooting tips:

If each paragraph doesn’t become its own PowerPoint slide, you might need to go back and save the document in a different format – as a text file, if you saved it as a Word doc, or vice versa.

If you have blank slides between text slides, you might’ve added extra spaces between paragraphs. Just delete the blank slides and remember to mind your spaces next time around.

STEP 4:  
1.Style the slides
Yes, you can go nuts here, but if time and skills are a concern, the one thing you should do is to pick the best layout for your slides.
Here’s how:

2   Click on any slide in the left-hand preview sidebar to select it.
Go to Edit => Select All.
With all slides selected,

3 go to Layout and choose the one you wish to use.

Most of the times, Title Slide layout works best, but it’s entirely up to you.

For all intents and purposes, your slide deck is now ready to be turned into a video.

Buuuut… because you could leave it at that, doesn’t mean you should.
At the very least, go through your slide deck and change it up a bit – apply different layouts, add images, or change font colors to emphasize key words and phrases.

How to Turn Blog Posts into G-R-E-A-T Videos

Yes, this traffic hack removes all excuses holding you back from creating videos. (SORRY!  )
Now you *too* can…

receive 41% more web traffic from search than non-users;

see 27% higher click-through rates and 35% conversion rates;

and grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users.

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