
How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Linux Computer  

How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Linux Computer

Surely everyone today have heard about the various devices we all can use to run a computer, such as a printer but how about a USB charger? Well, now you can also use a USB charger. Chris Robinson of NODE has built a Linux Computer to run in a modified USB charger by using a few tools freely available.

This technique uses Raspberry Pi compatible ODROID board & runs on Raspbian OS. In the earlier, Chris has made projects like handheld Raspberry Pi powered Linux terminal. This Linux computer fits in a modified USB charger plug and uses a small power to run. So today we are gonna tell you that How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Linux Computer?
This new invention as told before uses the Raspberry Pi compatible ODROID-W development board and runs the Raspbian OS. The plug itself can be used internationally and has US/UK/EU attachments. The interesting fact about this is that all you need to do is plug it in and that’s it. You just leave it anywhere within wifi range, and it will run with constant power and is small enough to be inconspicuous.

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What do you need:

– ODROID-W single board computer (700Mhz, 512MB RAM)
– USB charger plug (Model “MD-ADP-0516UN001” which has UK/US/EU attachments)
– USB Wifi adapter (must be Raspberry Pi compatible)
– Insulating tape
– Scrap plastic for insulation
– Solder
– Some thin wire
– Micro-SD card
– Soldering iron
– Wire clippers/strippers
– Small hacksaw blade
– Fine file

Assembling all these requirements isn’t much tough if you have a basic knowledge of soldering.

You just have to plug in the charger and stay in the WiFi range. You can use if for applications like running a personal file/media server, a TOR relay, a Bitcoin node, your personal VPN, a silent motion alarm with the RPi Camera, a pentesting tool, or simply a remote use Linux system.

Besides WiFi, you can use a USB ethernet adapter to connect it physically. Since, you’ll be working with electrical components.

USB Charger
How to Make Linux Computer (Software):

1) Download the custom Raspbian OS image from the ODROID website.
2) Set up wifi on the ODROID
a) Boot the Raspberry Pi without the WiFi adapter plugged in.
b) Open a Terminal session by clicking on the LXTerminal icon, and enter the command into it.
c) This opens an editor screen of the wifi configuration file you need to change.
d) When you have finished, press [Ctrl] x. This will ask if you want to save the modified files.
e) Shut down your Raspberry Pi, plug the WiFi adapter in and start it up again. You should find that the Raspberry Pi connects using the WiFi adapter as it boots up.

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How to Make Linux Computer (Hardware):

1) Put a little jumper wire between these two components on the board. This SBC has some power stability issues that are solved with this fix.
2) Remove the plastic and metal casing from around the wifi adapter.
3) Cut, strip and tin some wires and solder them to the board and the contacts on the wifi card.
4) Use insulating tape and fold it over so it fits in a nice pocket.
5) Now we need to take apart the USB charger. Use a small hacksaw blade to cut around all four edges and pry it in half.
6) Cut, strip and tin red and black wire and solder them to the USB charger. The other half can be soldered directly onto the ODROIDs battery connector. This helps save space instead of using the Micro USB port.
7) Cut some scrap plastic and screw it to the exposed USB charger. This will insulate the electricity from the charger.
8) Finish the exterior with vinyl sheeting or however you like to make it less conspicuous. You now have a little Linux plug computer.
This mini Linux computer can be used as Tor node, personal VPN, media server, or even a pentesting tool!

If you are interested in making this little Linux computer from a USB charger, follow this link for NODE’s detailed tutorial.


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