
How to create Spotify account Step By Step

Their are lot of newbie user face to crete spotify account. we target to this type of person we write this post is sure you must be enjoy when read it! Also check:Spotify Premium Free

1st Method: Create Spotify Account By New Email

1.Visit the official website of Spotify which is http://www.spotify.com or click on the given link

 Spotify Official Account

2.Now click on the signup button given in top right corner of your screen. On click, you will redirect to Spotify signup page

3. On Spotify signup page it will ask you for the E-mail address,

Enter your emailEnter your email again to confirm your emailNow desire any password and enter that

4. What should we call you ( Here, you has to write your username)

5.Enter your date of birth by entering Day, Month, Year

6.Select your gender Male, Female, Non-binary


7.Mark a tick to confirm the terms and conditions of Spotify

8.Now click on the sign-up button

2nd Method: Crete Spotify Account By Facebook

Before go to signup Spotify account by facebook you must need facebook account so first create a facebook account then follows the below step.You can also sign up on Spotify using your Facebook account. To signup on Spotify using facebook follow the steps given below.

1.Visit the official website of Spotify which is http://www.spotify.com or click on the given link

 Spotify Official Account2.Click on the signup button provided on the top right corner of your screen

3.On top click on the Sign up with Facebook, it redirects you to a page which asks you’re for your Facebook login details

4.Enter your facebook email and password

5.Click on login

(If you are already login on facebook from the device then your account automatically recognise)

3rd Method: Create Spotify Account by Email address already Use

Many users think that they can create multiple accounts on Spotify. But you can’t. You can create only one account per email address. If you see the error email address already in use, that means that your account already existed with the given email address. To create another email account, you have to use another email address.

If you lost your password, then you have to reset your account no need to signup again on Spotify.


Spotify is a famous website. On Spotify, there are many users from all around the world. Many users face difficulty in logging in on this page we have to give you the steps to login into the Spotify account. You cannot use one email address to create multiple accounts. On Spotify, we also told you how to reset your Spotify account. You can raise any query in the comment box given below. We will reply to your comment when we are free.

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